Myth 1: Chiropractic Care is Expensive….

Fact: Yes, it is… BUT in comparison to medication like painkillers! One strip of painkillers may cost RM7 and relieve pain for a week. However, expensive is relative and depends on perspective – in relation to the cost of surgery, which is anywhere between RM36,000-50,000 (Source), the cost of chiropractic care is less than 10% of that. And it provides a natural way for your body to heal without invasive procedures like surgery, or the side-effects of medication!
Myth 2: Once You Begin Chiropractic Care, You Should Continue to Receive Treatments…

Fact: The most frequent treatment sessions that you need are usually in the first 2-6 weeks of your injury, depending on how severe it is and how much pain you are in. What happens when you’re out of pain and back to daily life without being bothered by pain? Do you still need to come back to maintain the good effects of a happy spine? Yes and no!
YES, regular check ups with your chiropractor is an important routine. Just as it is important to receive regular dental care, receiving regular chiropractic care is a healthy practice to keep your spine at its optimal level. And NO, it doesn’t have to be every single week once you’re feeling good – a regular spine adjustment once every 1 or 2 months can keep pain away and ensure a healthy spine for life.
And here at Spinefit, we only recommend what is needed based on our professional diagnosis and the choice after that is completely up to you.
Myth 3: Chiropractors Mostly Just Treat Back and Neck Pain…
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Fact: Yes, a big part of our education is learning all about the spine (aka back and neck) and the nerves that come out from it – because that’s what makes our entire body feel, move, and live! Our arms, hips, and legs all attach to our spine, and that is why your spine movements are the first thing that we assess when you come into our (friendly!) rooms. But also because of that, chiropractors are also experienced in treating the parts of the body that attach to the spine – like the upper back, shoulders, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle. Or even those with trouble sleeping, headaches, migraines, lack of energy and arthritic pains. So YES, chiropractors mostly treat the back and neck…. And everything else that attaches to it!
Now that you know the not-so-mythical facts about chiropractic care, think about where in your life you might need a chiropractic adjustment.
Trouble sleeping at night?
Frequent headaches or migraines?
On and off back pain with no relief?
Just know that chiropractic care is not only an effective treatment, but also less expensive and less invasive compared to other treatment options.
Rooted in science and backed by research, there is ample evidence that the spine controls the nervous system and regulates the entire body. When the spine is sensitised due to pain or injury, the nervous system doesn’t function effectively, leading to aches, pains, and visceral problems – and that’s where we come in to help. 🙂
Drop us a message on the chat or give us a call to find out how we can help you get out of pain and back to daily life.